Friday, December 12, 2008

If I had Michael Jackson's Glittery Glove, during the holidays I would put on a bitchin' cool version of The Nutcracker using dancing zombies.
If I had Michael Jackson's Glittery Glove, I would never wait for the walk light before crossing the street. I would just start walking and use the power of the glove to stop traffic.

If I had Michael Jackson’s Glittery Glove, I would moonwalk everywhere.

If I had Michael Jackson's Glittery Glove, I would never listen to people who are, “just ignorant” ever again. I would simply raise my hand and silence them with the glove.

If I had Michael Jackson's Glittery Glove I would continuously do that crazy kick that he does but at inopportune times like when waiting for the bathroom or picking out bananas at the grocery store. And if anyone had a problem with that, I would silence them with the glove.

If I had Michael Jackson’s Glittery Glove, I would no longer shake hands with people. They would have to kiss the glove instead.

If I had Michael Jackson's Glittery Glove, I would no longer drive. I would feel that heat and ride the boogie.

If I had Michael Jackson's Glittery Glove, I would wear red leather and start drinking Tang again, maybe even Tab. I would also have a wind machine follow me everywhere.

Imagine if the guy who stood in front of the tank in Tianamen Square had Michael Jackson's Glittery Glove. Can you say, fully functional democracy in China?